Monday, March 2, 2009

BACON!!...well Francis Bacon and his Four Idols

Francis Bacon was a Christian with very different ideas than what was accepted or acknowledged by the Church. The protestant Church had given away land and made a whole new group of wealthy individuals. Bacon took away from the power of the church and believed them to be corrupt and etc. He believed that the church could teach you how to go to heaven, not how the heavens go......Bacon also believed that one must give up things no matter what it costs you to reduce their suffering or add to their well being.

Bacon created four ideas as to why people have misunderstandings or misconceptions of the world and he called them the four idols
............. The four idols he used were................
1) Idols of the Tribe- This idea states that people are unable to understand things because of biases and therefore more than often jump to conclusions. We dont accept things that are strange and new to us because it is in our nature to do so. As humans this is just so

2) Idols of the Cave- This idea illustrated the biases created through the educational systems and how people often retrieve their biases through this way because of what they are taught

3) Idols of the MarketPlace- The use of language to mystify words. Philosophy is more concerned with winning arguments than revealing the truth.

4) Idols of the Theatre- This idol describes how the christian west has given reverence to four of the five greek scholars and has ignored any other understanding of the word. In other words this tells us how different institutions teach or put out the ideas that benefit themselves or their own beliefs.This limits the knowledge that is allowed due to biases and acceptance of only certain truths to be taught.