Monday, February 16, 2009

Evolution vs. Intelligent Design??

..............In Schools across the country there has been a science that has been used to explain the world and the ways in which it works. This is evolution which includes natural selection and individuals who support it such as Charles Darwin. Evolution and its submatters explain how things have come about in this world such as people and different species. We use fossils such as those of dinosaurs to help us get a better understanding of what existed. Also through these sciences, scientists can provide us with logical explanations of how things work, how they have worked in the past, and how they might evolve to work in the future.......

This system has been taught across the world for a long time but lately it is apparent that evolution is being Design!

Intelligent design is an explanation of how the world works (much like evolution) what's the difference? Intelligent Design is basically the opposite of evolution because evolution and such can be explained through the sciences. Intelligent design is an explanation of how GOD has formed our world. Those who believe in this intelligent design believe that god is and has always been responsible for the way the world has come about and why things happen as they do...

Therefore if one was to ask a scientist (who follows the laws of evolution) how the world works the scientist would go on to say something like, "Well you see when we look at the scientific evidence and the fossils we can make the connection that this and that happened occuring in the evolution of the..." the point is that this scientist would explain that science is responsible for the way things are and that just about everything can be explained using science.....

Yet if we were to ask someone who believes in intelligent design how the world works they would probably tell us, " Well you see God has caused this to happen because he was either angry with us or because he is rewarding us for doing something good." These individuals explain everything through biblical terms/ as if god were responsible.

Those who support intelligent design say that natural selection simply could not be because something so fine and perfect could just not be made by mere people. It must be an object made by god or a divinity. Both Christianity and Islam believe in this Intelligent design. Christianity believes that because the world was created by God we should not study it because it is for God's knowledge only. However the Islam believes that God is the creator of the world and we must study the marvel of creation in order to understand God's intelligence. Either way both these religions support the ideas of intelligent design and what they stand for.....

In my opinion i would have to say that Intelligent design is not a credible argument to evolution. I can see how those who are religious/ others look to God for answers in this world but it is hard for me to see how others can deny the proof provided by scientists. I do believe that there might be some sort of divinity because many things in this world have no explanation or cannot be explained. There are many questions that have gone unanswered simply because there is literally no way to prove them. How can one in this day explain how the earth was formed? We cant go back in time to see so we either make a theory which makes sense or we turn to religion to god to explain things. In this case I can see how others look to God yet there are so many thing that can be proven correct by Scientists. How can one deny what has been proven true? One plus one is two. How can someone turn around and say that this is false? Where would God come into this? How does religion answer these questions? These questions are a few of the many that one must ask themselves. To me Science makes a bit more sense when it comes to answering these types of questions when compared to religion. Scientists can study fossils and such from the past and tell us dinosaurs existed and this was their structure. We can see the bones, touch them, and see that this is the truth. One cannot deny this. Religion on the other hand simply says ok you must have Faith that God is there and that he is responsible for all that happens. One who supports intelligent design would say how can men come from monkeys? God made man as they are and they would go on to use the biblical text to back up their words. These people have faith that what they say is correct and that God is the creator and so on. Scientists actually have proof to back up what they say. It just makes sense to me that there is an explanation for most things in this world and that everyday people such as scientists are finding them. So when I think about this situation taking place in several school in the country and even the world I consider all that ive stated and both viewpoints.....

In several ways both Intelligent design and evolution/ science make a lot of sense. Both are important in understanding the world and culture yet people try to force that only one be taught in schools. So the question becomes...should evolution be used to explain the world? or is Intelligent Design the only explanation that we can rely on? This can be debated over and over but I dont think a common ground will be found. Both have great arguments as to why one is true or why it makes sense. Even for me i cant decide which one is true. I side most with evolution because it makes sense to me but if i completely deny intelligent design then how can i be sure that im right. How can i be sure that Intelligent design is far off from the truth? I have to consider both because both have strong arguments. Both have claims that are strong and that makes it that much harder to decide between the two.But in the end Evolution has better explanations (in my opinion) and therefore intelligent design is a bit of a threat to evolution but its arguments are not strong enough to completely blow evolution out of the water......

the end!!!

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